Welcome to my world of Textile Art.
It’s not fancy,
it’s just what I do.
I am lucky enough to share my passion around the world.
I’m not going to bore you with awards and stuff like that.
I just do it.
Textiles, Photography, Stories, Travel and Teaching
Welcome to my world of Textile Art.
It’s not fancy,
it’s just what I do.
I am lucky enough to share my passion around the world.
I’m not going to bore you with awards and stuff like that.
I just do it.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful learning class. How inspirational! Thank you so much, Kate
Hi Pam,
Is there anywhere I can buy the Amazing Alphabet book in New Zealand as the postage adds quite a lot.
I’m doing your Wandering Whimsy class at Symposium in Auckland. Will you, by any chance, be bringing any copies of the alphabet book to NZ with you?
I love the designs in the book and I’m really looking forward to your class.
Yes I will Marion.
Hi Pam, saw the article in Applique society. I am also crazy for Bayeux Tapestry and lecture and teach about it. Have done multiple section from the Bayeux Broderie kits by Chantel James. Loke your idea of doing it too. Have visited it almost yearly for a long time and always get a new perspective
Super Cathy. I study it continuously. I was supposed to be there in September. But that won’t happen.
Fantastic. Please save me a copy.
I would love to take one of your classes online. Can you please direct me to where I can find a schedule? You do amazing work and I am so excited to get started.
Hi Pam. I tried your Adobe Sketch on the iPad today. All went went except I missed a step so when I went to remove the photo behind the sketch everything disappeared. Will try again later more carefully. Fran
Fran, It’s probably still there, just check if the little eye in the right hand corner is crossed… if it is, then click it to open it. It locks the image when it’s crossed.
Thank you Pam I am still learning all this new technology, have to keep up with it. 10 year old grandson showed me how to airdrop photos to his iPad last week. Another new thing learnt.
Hi Pam . Further to email re Geraldine pattern . Is there any idea as to the time frame of release for this pattern . Back inMay you said it had god to print but cannot find it I the store . Thank you for your response
Kathy, can you send me an email and I will get my assistant to attend to it.
Thank you
Hi Pam
My name is Robyn Salmon from Darwin I am trying to contact you to get your permission to display the Geraldine story as we are having a display of them at our Quilt Exhibition after your tutorial in Darwin. We thought it would be nice for people to read
You’re welcome to use the story. – cheers pam
Pam, I would really like to make my own Geraldine, can you please tell me where to get the pattern, thank you.
Maureen are you in America or Australia
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Pam, I am in Melbourne, Australia, will please tell me how to buy the Geraldine pattern.
Pam I am in Australia.
Maureen, the patterns are printed in the USA and are at the printers right now here in AU I will add them to the web site when I receive them here
Thanks Pam, looking forward to it .
Wondered about Geraldine pattern availability. Been thinking about it since Alamogordo…
Hi Julie, Lisa has some…. send her a message.
Have been trying to find out if this is available in NZ for some time .
No response as yet
Kathy Inns
Pam, I am registered to take your April 2020 class at Asilomar. I’m excited to learn your raw edge applique technique. Will your technique hold up to machine washing or should it be used only on art quilts?
Hello Pam….will you be releasing Geraldine as a pattern? she’s gorgeous!
Thank you,
Please let me know how I can purchase a Geraldine pattern….she’s gorgeous!
Cynthia, send me an email, and I will let you know by email where you can purchase one.
Hi Pam,
I am in Melbourne and would like to know where I can purchase a Geraldine pattern please.
Just sent an email….thank you!
Hi Pam….I sent the email….did you see it? Thank you!
Yes, I send you an email.
just sent an email…thank you very much!
Do you teach classes in the Houston area?
Hi Pam, I didn’t get the chance to go to Auckland symposium and attend your class. I would love to do Geraldine the Giraffe…are there patterns available in NZ…she is so adorable…
It’s on the web site in the shop
Do you sell Geraldine in the US?
It’s on the web site in the shop
Pam I would like to purchase your giraffe pattern. I don’t seem able to find it on your web site. Could you please email me the instructions to purchase or a place to find it in the U.S.
Thank you!
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You can buy it in the shop on the web site.
I don’t know how I got your blog today but I was very pleased to receive it especially since I am going to Houston tomorrow. and will see all these beautiful pieces in person. Your blog includes the fantastic portrait, the long Goodbye, that was so artistically done by Lea McComas. I am thrilled to see it since this was taken from a pjoto of my parents. I am sure I will see it often during my stay in Houston. Excuse my now while I go wipe the tears from my eyes. It is such an emotional piece. I will fully explore your blog at a later time!
Dear Pam Holland
I fell in love with your textile art. I m an artist at 65 years old. But just realizing what I like to do is illustration, embroider, photography, landscape painting. I was thinking one day how can I use all this.
I m a christian and I have a friend who is a missionary to Guatemala. I was watching television and a program designation craft with Jim West was on and talking about Guatemala. Then you came on at the end and I though wow look at that. So I looked up your website. Im so excited. Just to take you for your identity in art.
Thank you for your ideas and teaching too with iPad and camera. Everything. I will be looking at forward to viewing more of you, Im a fan. Thanks
Do you have any plans to complete your alphabet series by adding their heads? love the few I saw.
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Hello Pam, I am purchasing your Alphabet book online. I live in USA and unsure of the correct postage to click: what’s ‘US’ mean? It’s $8 as opposed to 36.xx for international. What’s US mean? USA? Thanks you, Lynda Treger
Linda, it is sent from the USA and it is $8 I think.
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